Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It is often described as reminding us that 'I am what I am because of who we all are'.

The UBUNTU 30 Day Challenge is a way for us all to start the year together, prioritizing our heath as individuals and collectively as a community.

Between January 15th and February 13th the challenge is to do the following:
  1. Attend MANIC or Strength & Resistance Training or HIIT Training 2 to 3 Times per Week
  2. 60 Minutes of Zone Two Training 2 to 3 Times per Week
  3. Cold Therapy for 90 Seconds+ Per Day
  4. 10 Minutes of Mindfulness per Day
  5. Drink 0.5 Oz of Water per Pound of Body Weight per Day
  6. 10 Minutes of Stretching per Day
  7. No Added Sugar
  8. No Alcohol
  9. Sign-Up for Something You've Always Wanted to Do
  10. Read or Listen to One (or More) of the Following:


The African proverb “Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu” can be translated to mean that to be human is to recognize the humanity of others. It's from this proverb that the notion of Ubuntu is developed.



Better physical and mental health helps enables us to have more care for others. We are all connected – this challenge lays the foundation to ensure that you will be a strong link in a strong chain.


ZERO, FREE, NADA, NOTHING. There's no extra cost or fee to participate.


Other than better health and wellbeing? Those who complete the challenge and are able to stick to the program for a full 30 days, completing 100% of the challenge, will get a high-five and some special MANIC swag along with better health, wellbeing, a stronger sense of community and accomplishment - the real prizes. Those who complete up to 85% of the challenge will also get a high-five and some sweet swag plus improved health, wellbeing, a stronger sense of community and accomplishment. Those who participate but complete less than 85% of of the challenge over the 30 days will get a high-five, perhaps a sweet sticker and enjoy a good start to the new year with improved health, wellbeing, a stronger sense of community and accomplishment.


We all make choices everyday. Some days those choices are easier to make than others. We get it. Your cold water may be broken and you may only be able to take nice warm showers, or perhaps that IPA or ice cream is too tasty to say no to. This challenge is your chance to reset, renew and rejuvenate yourself. You will be on the honor system to keep track of your level of participation. Tools are there to help, we are there to help. It's up to you. We know you can do it. If you plan to participate, set your goals and figure out a plain to achieve them.

If you’re just waiting for the doom of that first slip up here are 10 ways to stick to the life changes you want to make.

  • Determine why you want to stick with it.
  • Make a plan of mini-plans.
  • Set deadlines and stick to them.
  • Focus on the action rather than the goal.
  • Give yourself rewards and praise.
  • Track your progress.
  • Have fun.
  • Remember it’s not all or nothing.

Want more help? Check out these apps to help you complete UBUNTU:

Not into apps? Here's a template to help you stay on track.

Want to make more changes for 2023? NPR has a guide for that: Life's Kit Resolution Planner



She Blinded Me With Science

Zone 2 or low HR training is also one of the best tools we have to achieve metabolic health and longevity.  Low, zone 2 heart rate cycling, swimming, rowing, and running are key to improving performance and minimizing the risk of developing stress-related injuries and overtraining.

Zone 2 training is also referred to as base or aerobic training. All elite athletes spend months base training. At least 75-80% of their active training is also in Zone 1 or 2. This is what is referred to as polarized training.

Benefits of Zone 2 Heart Rate Training

  • Increase in the number of mitochondria
  • Increase in mitochondrial efficiency
  • Increase in “metabolic flexibility”
  • Lower resting heart rate
  • A decrease in blood pressure
  • Lower risk of injury
  • Improves insulin resistance
  • Improve your ability to run/cycle longer
  • Improve your resilience and ability to deal with increasing load.
  • Improve your Zone 4,5 function/performance
  • Improved longevity

How do you know when you are in Zone 2?

Until recently athletes needed to go to a performance lab, or stick themselves to measure lactic acid to try and determine where they transitioned from aerobic (fat oxidation) to Zone 3 and above.  That transition point goes by many names.  We’ll call it the first lactic acid threshold or LT1.  Anything below your LT1 is considered aerobic. You are mainly using fat oxidation for energy production in this zone.

Methods to calculate your Zone 2 heart rate.

Heart rate: When you are in Zone 2 your heart rate is somewhere between 65-75% of your maximum heart rate. Using your heart rate (HR) is probably your best way to identify what zone you are in. For an accurate assessment, we need to know your maximum HR and your resting HR.  I’ve hit my max HR on some trail races- a most unpleasant experience! Your resting HR is your HR in bed as soon as you wake up and before you get up.

The old method of calculating your maximal heart rate using 220- your age is not accurate for many people and should not be relied upon unless you only need a crude estimate.  For those of you who know your maximum HR and your resting HR, Training Peaks and many other calculators are out there and can help you figure out your zones.

70% of your “heart rate reserve” is a great estimate of the upper bounds of your Zone 2.  If you choose to use approximately 70% of your heart rate reserve… here’s the formula. 70% of your heart rate reserve added to your resting heart rate (so your aerobic threshold would be 0.7*(HR max — HR at rest) + HR at rest.

Breathing: If you can speak easily and in full sentences without having to pause at all you are probably in Zone 1 or 2. If you can breathe through your nose for the entire run, you are likely in zones 1 and 2. If you can speak or sing, but need to pause occasionally to breathe you are probably in Zone 2. If you cannot speak more than a few words before you need to pause, you are in Zone 3 and above.  The above may hold true for most people. If you can “hear” yourself breathe, you are not in Zone 2.  

If you really pay attention to your breathing you will notice an inflection point.  That is, you will notice that you take a deeper breath every so often, or open your mouth to take a deep breath.  You should be able to identify this inflection point during your workouts.  At that point, you are at the high end of zone 2.

Read more about Zone 2 Heart Rate Training For Longevity and Performance in an article by Howard J. Luks, MD


Take Your Breath Away

Welcome to the Wim Hof Method. According to Hof, cold Water Immersion (CWI) is a form of cold water therapy, which improves the natural recovery process of the human body. A well-known type of Cold Water Immersion, is taking ice baths or cold showers. Cold Water Immersion is a great way to activate the body’s natural healing powers, and to make it able to relieve symptoms of various medical conditions. When practiced on a regular basis, the positive effects of exposure to cold last even longer. Over time, Cold Water Immersion improves your cardiovascular circulation, reduces muscle inflammation, and facilitates weight loss.

Read more about the WIM HOF METHOD.


Om ...Om ...Om

Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it inner peace. See how you can easily learn to practice meditation whenever you need it most. Anyone can practice meditation. It's simple and inexpensive. And it doesn't require any special equipment.

Understanding meditation

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation originally was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. These days, meditation is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction.

Benefits of meditation:

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
  • Building skills to manage your stress
  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Focusing on the present
  • Reducing negative emotions
  • Increasing imagination and creativity
  • Increasing patience and tolerance
  • Lowering resting heart rate
  • Lowering resting blood pressure
  • Improving sleep quality

Everyday ways to practice meditation

Don't let the thought of meditating the "right" way add to your stress. If you choose to, you can attend special meditation centers or group classes led by trained instructors. But you can also practice meditation easily on your own. Or you may find apps to use, too.

And you can make meditation as formal or informal as you like. Read more about meditation in this Mayo Clinic article.

Take part in guided meditations with Cristen Malia.

Meditation Aids to Keep You on Track

For more guided 10-Minute meditations, check out YouTube or read more about How to Meditate in this guide published by the New York Times.


If you are looking to make the most of your meditation time, add in cyclic breath work. A recent study found that 5 minutes of a daily Cyclic breathing practice is the most effective method of reducing stress, improving sleep and heart rate variability and mood when compared five minutes daily of either mindfulness meditation, or breath work alone.

  • Daily 5-minute breathwork and mindfulness meditation improve mood and reduce anxiety
  • Breathwork improves mood and physiological arousal more than mindfulness meditation
  • Cyclic sighing is most effective at improving mood and reducing respiratory rate

If you’re interested in potent stress reduction practices these zero cost methods can help. If you want to learn more, read the paper published by the Huberman Lab.


Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!

Even mild dehydration can affect you mentally and physically. Make sure that you get enough water each day, whether your personal goal is 64 ounces or a different amount. It’s one of the best things you can do for your overall health.

  • Helps maximize physical performance
  • Significantly affects energy levels and brain function

Read more about the benefits of drinking water.


More Stretching, Less Stressing

Just like burpees and running, mobility work can, at times, be put on a pedestal within the fitness world. It's considered a staple active recovery practice, an essential addition to your routine, and the key to injury prevention.

The Benefits of Mobility Training

  • Boosts Joint Health
  • Curbs Your Risk of Injury and Pain
  • Improves Everyday Functioning

Regular mobility workouts can also help you enjoy more of the physical activities you love. Not sure where to start? Check out guided mobility sessions with Cristen Malia.

Discover more guided mobility routines on YouTube, including this 30 Day Challenge Plus, there's (always) an app for that.


Not So Sweet

Too much sugar, whether it's added or natural, can harm your health. In particular though, too much added sugar can place you at a greater risk for heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, obesity, and other health conditions.

Benefits of Cutting Out Sugar

  • Helps regulate your blood sugar
  • Aids in weight management
  • Improves your oral health
  • Reduces your risk of liver disease
  • Helps your heart health
  • May reduce acne and improve skin health
  • May lower your risk of depression

Some tips for reducing added sugar intake:

  • Choose foods with no added sugar - make sure you read the labels or better yet - buy foods that aren't in packaging - i.e. vegetables, fruit, nuts, meat, seeds, etc.
  • Choose water, seltzer, herbal tea, coffee and other beverages with no added sugar. Add a slice of orange, lemon, lime, or cucumber for a subtle flavor boost.
  • When a sweets craving hits, try one of these first: 1/4 cup of unsweetened dried fruit; 1 cup of ripe fresh fruit

Read more not so sweet stuff about sugar.


No Rosé, No Way...

A dry month can help your body in the following ways:

  • Boost Brain Power
  • Help Shed a Few Pounds
  • Reduce the Risk of Cancer
  • Decrease the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Want to read more about the benefits of cutting out booze? Check out the following article.


Just Say Yes to the Dress!

Sign-up for something that you've always wanted to do  ...a race, a class, a trip, an event that you've had your eye on for a while. Go for it! Already signed up for your big 2023 event? Awesome! Check that off of your UBUNTU to-do list as you are to-done. Need inspiration? Check out some of the following events:

When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love…” – Marcus Aurelius
Jan 1, 2023

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